PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.2.3

This release adds access key support to the user interface. Access keys become visible when the Alt key is pressed and can be triggered by pressing the corresponding letter in addition. Additional changes in this release:

  • Various improvements to the way autofill works (issues #102, #108, #109, #110, #111).
  • Updated and unified icons.
  • Switched to another code generation tool, producing more compact and more readable application code.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.2.1

This release fixes display of sync errors in Firefox on Android (issue #105). In addition, there is a number of minor improvements:

  • Esc key will no longer lock passwords, previously this made it impossible to close pop-up via keyboard without locking.
  • Improved styling of unexpected errors in pop-up, no overlap with the tab strip any more.
  • Made sure a field gets keyboard focus after recovery code is entered.
  • Improved display of recovery code errors, particularly wrong format version.
  • Made the user interface more accessible for screen readers.
  • Improved localization approach, each component now has a separate localization file.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.2.0

This release drops backwards compatibility with EasyPasswords 1.x. Any legacy passwords will be converted to stored passwords, and unencrypted backups will no longer be imported.

Also, the user interface has been reorganized to make it more intuitive and convenient. There is a tab strip on the left side of the PfP pop-up, allowing to switch between different parts of the functionality. Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down shortcut keys are an alternative to using the mouse here.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.1.5

This is an intermediate release on the way to PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.2. The user interface received a major overhaul but the visible changes are only few at this point. More coming soon!

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.1.1

This minor release adds “Replace by generated password” password menu option making it easier to replace stored passwords. Also, websites not enabling buttons after password has been filled in by PfP should hopefully not happen any more.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.0.2

For the first time, there is now a public release for Microsoft Edge. A number of work-arounds for Edge bugs has been implemented (some limitations still remain), at least Edge 41 is required. In addition, an incompatibility with older Firefox versions has been resolved (issue #78).

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.0.1

This minor release addresses the following issues:

  • Added an easier way to replace Easy Passwords 1.x passwords (issue #73).
  • Fixed: Copying user name from the pop-up would sometimes include whitespace (issue #71).
  • Fixed: Inconsistent checkbox visuals on the options page.
  • Fixed: Documentation links wouldn’t open in the web client.
  • Fixed: Web client doesn’t show any progress indicator while loading (issue #76)
  • Website name field no longer shows up empty on special pages, shows a placeholder instead.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.0.0

This is the first release under the new name “PfP: Pain-free Passwords,” previous releases went as “Easy Passwords.” This release also introduces significant updates to the cryptography powering the extension:

  • All metadata saved by the extension as well as backups are now encrypted (issue #47).
  • Password generation now uses scrypt algorithm rather than PBKDF2, making guessing the master password even harder (issue #58).
  • AES-GCM algorithm is used for encryption rather than AES-CBC (issue #47).